Friday, March 27, 2020

Weekly Summary & Smiles

What a week it has been! This week the country went into lockdown and the seriousness of the pandemic is feeling more and more real. Today marks day 14 of self isolation for myself and kids.

It has been a crazy 2 weeks, I have been very busy, and quite overwhelmed at times, but I am doing my best to keep bringing myself back to feeling centred and believing that we will get through this time.

I am so proud of our customers who have been so strong to stay on plan and focus on their health and wellbeing at this crazy time in the world. Our 5 day mini focus challenge was a great success, with many people starting and building momentum to continue their new you journey.

My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation for everyone right now. I have so much love for this world. The team at new you, our customers, the health workers, everyone in the front line, and for all the world leaders who are doing their best to manage this global crisis.

To lighten the mood & maintain our sense of humour during this time; Here are a selection of the meme’s that gave me some light relief this week…

I hope you had a giggle looking through these! Make sure you send me any of your favourites this week.If you want to be part of our lovely online community

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The post Weekly Summary & Smiles appeared first on Top Seller Website.

* This article was originally published at www.topsellers.websi

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