Monday, March 16, 2020

Candida: Are You Making These 6 Mistakes?

I hear so many people talking about candida these days with all of the concern out there about gut health.  One would say that candida is super trendy right now.  There are lots of diets, cleanses, and detoxes out there to treat candida.  But if you do it on your own you could be making these 6 common mistakes and waste a lot of time, energy, and money!  Nobody wants to do that.

Candida isn’t generally bad.  In fact it is a beneficial flora that everyone should have in their digestive tract when it is at normal levels.  It is when it starts to overgrow that it can become a problem and result in symptoms like: fatigue, digestive discomfort, muscle aches, brain fog, low libido, hormone imbalance, skin rashes.

1.  Do you even have candida to begin with?

You go on the internet and see all of the symptoms for candida.  You feel like all of the symptoms fit you to a T and self diagnose yourself with candida.  But symptoms often overlap or can be extremely nonspecific.  The symptoms for candida can be similar for symptoms of a parasite, h.pylori, bacteria, viruses, worms, SIBO or general symbiosis.  You could even be dealing with something like Lyme or mold. There are things that could be caused by any number of other conditions that aren’t yeast overgrowth: fatigue, digestive discomfort, muscle aches, brain fog, low libido, hormone imbalance, skin rashes.

My two favorite ways to test for candida are with the

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The post Candida: Are You Making These 6 Mistakes? appeared first on Top Seller Website.

* This article was originally published at www.topsellers.websi

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