Saturday, July 18, 2020

Is There Such a Thing as an Anti-Cancer Diet?

Cancer deeply affects almost every corner of the United States and the world, with an estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer diagnosed annually, according to the National Cancer Institute. With every 1.7 million cases, there is a greater ripple effect—cancer affects us all in some way or another, so finding a cure is paramount to the quality of life of all Americans. One of the ways that we can guard ourselves against this broad-spanning disease is through nutrition. But can we simply eat ourselves to a lower risk of cancer? Food is one way towards prevention, especially when a healthy, anti-cancer diet is coupled with physical activity and good lifestyle choices.

According to the American Cancer Society, food additives, preservatives, processing, irradiated foods and other nutritional concerns could have an effect on a person’s likelihood of developing cancer.  Thus, what we eat has an undisputed connection to cancer. Though we’re not entirely sure of every single food, drink or substance that causes or exacerbates the disease, we are sure of some. Building upon existing nutritional research, we have developed a Cancer Rescue Plan that helps you address nutritional deficiencies and eliminate potentially harmful foods to support a strong immune system.

What Does an Anti-Cancer Diet Look Like?

So, with the research that’s available today, what might an anti-cancer diet look like? Here’s an example of some of the fundamental foods and supplements that you can use to build your preventative cancer diet.

Plant-Based Foods—It’s all about staying

The post Is There Such a Thing as an Anti-Cancer Diet? appeared first on Top Seller Website.

* This article was originally published at www.topsellers.websi

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